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Neoteryx Updates Production, Distribution of Microsampling Solutions

October 2022 – Neoteryx, the microsampling brand of Trajan Scientific and Medical, has updated its production, distribution and shipping capabilities for greater efficiency. Recently restructured processes are aimed to better serve global customers and meet a growing demand for the company's remote specimen collection and microsampling devices. The company's suite of microsampling solutions has expanded beyond its flagship product, the Mitra® device based on patented VAMS® technology, to include the hemaPEN® device and the newer Harpera™ Microbiopsy™ Punch now available for beta testing on a research and investigational basis.

Neoteryx_Logo_Trajan tagline_RGB_edges cropped by Christa (2)Customers may notice the updated logo on packaging materials – a marketing update that occurred alongside updates to many systems and processes that enable the combined Trajan and Neoteryx teams to scale up their production and distribution of microsampling products with greater throughput, as follows:

Production and assembly of Mitra® Devices was moved to Malaysia. For some time, a hub of Trajan's production division has been based in its Malaysia Center of Excellence. Now that Neoteryx is Trajan's microsampling brand, the skilled production team in Malaysia has completed training with Neoteryx staff and integrated Mitra devices into their robust ISO-compliant quality system to take over production moving forward. No changes have been made to the functionality of the Mitra® device or its absorbent VAMS® tip.

Shipping of products to global customers features new labeling. By end of 2022, customers around the globe will notice that microsampling products have been relabeled to say "Designed in the USA. Assembled in Malaysia." This is to indicate that while the company's microsampling solutions will be assembled in Malaysia, they will continue to be produced with the same high-level materials as before. Also, the products will continue to be designed in the United States, with collaborative input from colleagues at Trajan's locations in Australia, Europe, the UK and Asia.

Distribution of microsampling products expands beyond Torrance, California. The company will keep more inventory in stock and ready to ship. To further serve customers around the globe with timely distribution of microsampling products, the company will ship inventory from three Trajan distribution centers moving forward:

  • Austin, Texas to serve customers in the Americas
  • Melbourne, Australia to serve our customers in Australia & Asia
  • Milton Keynes, UK to serve our customers in Europe, Middle East, & Africa

International service centers provide customer support in different time zones. A larger network of staff members in Trajan's international office locations will support the Neoteryx microsampling team in continuing to offer the exemplary customer service for which the brand is known. Customer service centers in the United States, Australia, and Europe will provide support in local languages, currencies, importation regulations, and more. 

About Neoteryx, Microsampling Solutions by Trajan

Neoteryx is a brand of Trajan Scientific and Medical, providing scientifically precise remote specimen collection and microsampling technologies. To support Trajan's vision of enabling science that benefits people and improves wellbeing, the Neoteryx team at Trajan innovates and develops quantitative microsampling technologies that are easy to use and amenable to manual and automated analysis in the lab. Neoteryx microsampling technologies ease workflows and enable decentralized research and healthcare models. Our product portfolio includes the Mitra® device based on VAMS® technology, the hemaPEN® that advances both capillary and DBS technologies, and more microsampling products on the way. For information about microsampling, visit www.neoteryx.com.

For information about Trajan’s full suite of brands and services, visit www.trajanscimed.com.

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In some territories our devices are supplied for therapeutic or IVD use Outside of those territories our devices are supplied for research use only


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