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the microsampling blog

rpm and patient-centered care: new studies break new ground

To give new agency to patients and create new hope for those burdened with chronic health conditions, leading research institutions gather some of the sharpest minds in medicine to hatch new ideas and make the most of new technologies. Sometimes, the solutions turn out to be so absurdly simple, only a genius would have figured them out.

Modern bright factory interior with working people in motionRecent collaborations could potentially produce breakthroughs in remote patient monitoring (RPM) and patient-centered care.

Most recently, a research study being led by Dermot McGovern, MD, PhD, FRCP (Lon) and Jennifer Van Eyk, PhD, investigates the precise power of Mitra® devices and Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling (VAMS™) technology to find and measure new biomarkers in blood that may potentially predict treatment effectiveness and relapse in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disorder (IBD). This work casts a ray of hope for patients who suffer from this painful and debilitating chronic condition.

VAMS technology was developed to solve for the limitations of traditional dried blood spot cards. As it allows for remote sampling – capillary blood collection can now be performed anywhere, anytime, by almost anyone, with minimal training - the potential of this simple innovation has eclipsed even the most optimistic expectations of its creators.

The work of physicians and researches has uncovered applications and implications that have life-changing and world-changing potential. Remote patient monitoring, patient-centered care, and other new areas of thought and endeavor are defining the future of healthcare. By creating a smarter sampling event, VAMS has an essential role to play in exploring this new and promising landscape.

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