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the microsampling blog

microsampling in medtech: a brief introduction


Medical technology, also known as "healthtech" or "medtech," manifests in a wide range of products tailored for smarter healthcare for the human population. The innovation of these technologies is meant to improve the delivery of healthcare in a number of ways.

Earlier diagnoses - Medtech has enabled the field of medicine to be able to make earlier diagnosis of various diseases, sometimes even before the onset of any physical symptoms. As a result, this gives the patient a better fighting chance before the disease becomes more aggressive.

Reduction of time spent in hospitals - With smarter healthcare, it is possible to get and keep more detailed, more useful records of patients' histories. This enables practitioners to pinpoint a patient’s problem early enough and get to the point of treatment. This can reduce the patients' stays in hospitals.

Cost reduction - Even with health insurance, medical expenses can be substantial. Therefore, the development of devices that do not require a patient to travel to the hospital or a doctor’s office serves as a relief. This saves the patient both time and money spent taking time from work and traveling to and from the hospital. The smartest medtech devices can detect problems before they present as physical symptoms, therefore empowering practitioners to solve problems before they become more serious and much, much more potentially expensive.

Introduction of less invasive treatment options - Remote microsampling is one of the most important advancements in healthcare--for both patients and practitioners. It enables patients to self-collect their own specimen samples at home and mail them to their lab or doctor's office for testing. With microsampling, only a very small amount of fluid specimen is needed for analysis in the lab.

Using a lancet for a single prick on the fingertip, it is possible to collect a blood sample that can be used for various medical purposes. This is a less invasive method than standard blood draws, or venipuncture, where a phlebotomist typically punctures a vein in the arm to draw several tubes of blood. Microsampling requires only a tiny volume of blood, yet can deliver results correlating with those associated with plasma and venipuncture.

The microsampling approach ensures comfort for patients, reliable lab results for clinicians, and it also works in concert with other innovative medtech solutions to make telemedicine possible.

Big changes are being predicted for the next ten years of healthtech and medtech. Microsampling technology has already prompted breakthroughs in patient monitoring. Now more and more new medtech solutions will include microsampling as a necessary component.

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In some territories our devices are supplied for therapeutic or IVD use Outside of those territories our devices are supplied for research use only


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