Microsampling Blog | Neoteryx

anti-epileptic drugs: another microsampling breakthrough

Written by Neoteryx Microsampling | May 1, 2018 1:56:00 PM

A team from the Quebec-based Altasciences – Jeff Plomley, Nikolay Youhnovski, Vinicio Vasquez, and Anahita Keyhani – has scored a big breakthrough for the use of VAM® technology in the detection of anti-epileptic drugs.

Click image to enlarge.

LC-MS assays for anti-epileptics (AEDs) are often required for purposes of clinical trials or therapeutic drug monitoring. Microsampling strategies have grown in popularity for greater patient comfort, particularly in pediatric populations.

In this study, the Altasciences team uses a novel method to eradicate recovery bias associated with blood hematocrit level. Combining VAMS with Impact-Assisted Extraction (IAE), the hematocrit effect is eliminated in the determination of 16 AEDs using a single assay incorporating LC-sMRM with polarity cycling.

These results represent the first report demonstrating the application of VAMS to such an extensive AED panel and a significantly large number of analytes with disparate LogP extracted from the Mitra® substrate.

Clearly, the applications of microsampling technology in anti-epileptics just took a major leap forward.

Plomley and the Altasciences group presented their poster at this year’s 12th annual WRIB gathering in Philadelphia, “a week of bioanalysis, biomarkers, and immunogenicity” exploring key issues in clinical lab science and research.

Neoteryx, our Chief Scientific Officer Stuart Kushon, and well-traveled Microsampling Specialist Brandon Milan were also in attendance in Philadelphia, supporting the advancement and adoption of the microsampling technology that is revolutionizing research and changing lives.